Hermaphrodites: The sexually evolved superiors

The next successor?

4 min readDec 19, 2020
Borrowing from Odesza: A Moment Apart

We’ve never been great with change and our initial reaction to something new, has almost always exclusively been fear.

Last year, when I told my mother, Amma, this is what I think, Hermaphrodites are like our evolutionary successors and not some sort of anomaly. So I’m gonna write about that. She said to me, “Make sure to be considerate and not make it too controversial, don’t get yourself into any kind of trouble.”

Yes. My totally Indian-bred mother’s initial reaction to my wonderful statement was not: WTF is wrong with you, shut your face and do your math. Nope.

But it’s been, probably, 18 months since then and well, I haven’t written about it to this day… until now. And the jolt to do so was caused by this thing I read on Gizmodo, by Adam Clark Estes. It’s an OLD post and it’s in reaction to Sam Altman's’ blogpost: E Pur Si Muove.

Here’s the link to Estes’ post: https://gizmodo.com/sam-altman-is-an-idiot-1821327260#replies
And to Altman’s E Pur Si Muove: https://blog.samaltman.com/e-pur-si-muove

Naturally, my new and evolved instinct was to go to the comment section and say: WTF is wrong with your BRAIN Adam Clark Estes?!
But, well…due to some glitch or whatever, the site wouldn’t let my comment be posted. I also wanted to recommend a fellow consumer’s comment which said, and I quote EvilSuperMonkey,

“Galileo’s ideas started the scientific revolution. He was hardly silenced.”

I know it’s not totally related to the argument but he was placed under house arrest and I believe prevented from publishing. There was a very directed effort to silence Galileo.

Anyway, this was what prompted me to start and finish writing this post today. So let’s move on to the part where I talk about hermaphrodacy then.

Full disclosure, I am not an expert on the subject and admittedly do not know a lot about it. But I do know this: They can reproduce, on their own.

So far, apparently, there have been 11 reported cases of pregnancy in true hermaphrodites and there’s a study on this topic by Brett A H Schultz, Soldrea Roberts, Allison Rodgers, Khalid Ataya, UK, if anyone’s interested in that.

If hermaphrodites can completely reproduce on their own, that eliminates the main part of the need for the evolutionary need for members to get together and reproduce in order to sustain the species and evolve. Of course, that begs the question, doesn’t that defeat the purpose of evolution because this would mean less mutation, fewer genetic variants?

I believe our species as we know it today, will only last a couple more centuries, soon, not just because of the technological advancements but by natural selection itself, we will begin to see a lot more differences. Of course, in between all this, genetic coding and other human interventions might play a role that would lead this whole thing in a different direction.

A lot of people believe that human connection and emotional intelligence, these are all things in which we as humans are dominant to Artificial Intelligence, that these are factors that have helped keep us safe for thousands of years now, since before we even discovered fire. But I believe, similar to how we leapt from fire and steam to electricity and well…air/steam, emotional aspects (as we know it today) of the human conscious might soon start to fade to give rise to a different form of emotional intelligence and soon with time become a part of a whole other form of dimension of our consciousness. And being a true hermaphrodite who is healthy and able to procreate, would definitely have a huge role to partake in such a future. I mean who knows, they might even be crucial for survival.

I am sure this is hard to make sense of given the current population and its demographics, but the future I speak of is quite a bit away from right now.

Just in the past few decades, we as humanity have come to accept so much more and evolve in wonderful ways to accommodate all of which might not have felt natural to most, even 20 years ago: among so much else, schools in the UK allowing kids assigned male at birth to wear skirts to school; the ever-euphoric Hange Zoe from the popular anime Shingeki no Kyojin, not being assigned a gender, spring to mind. And not to mention, women wearing men’s clothes hasn’t been looked down upon for a pretty long time now.

Not being assigned labels and putting people in a box, this, I think, is crucial. Especially since, in a couple of years, those who did might end up feeling incredibly stupid. But that’s not the purpose of this, not political correctness; friction, I believe, is incredibly important — for improvement, advancement, evolution.

We, as humanity, are on the precipice of HUGE change, not just some revolution, but a renaissance. A renaissance not just in technology and social literature, not just in politics, but in life as we know it. We as humanity are about to be propelled into the future, and that, of course, is by our own doing. This future will definitely have things both good and bad, but it’ll mostly just be starkly amazing. I think I’d personally describe it as ethereal amazement.

Truth: we’ve never been great with change and our initial reaction to something new, has almost always exclusively been fear.

I intend to write about the Renaissance again, in much more detail. I probably will even write again about the main topic of this article/blog post. Whatever I do, I assure you, will be better structured than this.

citing: Schultz BA, Roberts S, Rodgers A, Ataya K. Pregnancy in true hermaphrodites and all male offspring to date. Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Feb;113(2 Pt 2):534–6. doi: 10.1097/AOG.0b013e3181866456. PMID: 19155947.




Weird, matchlessly weird, and nothing to be done about it. Take it all in; give it everything you’ve got. And I sing… here: https://youtu.be/15zQfUoCUwU